Key Points Walmart is turning four of its stores into laboratories that test ways to turn the company’s huge physical footprint into a more powerful edge for e-commerce. At the stores, employees will use digital tools, store design features, and different strategies that could speed up restocking shelves and fulfilling…
Some 90% of the world’s goods are transported by sea, which makes the current shortage a real problem. Take a look around you. Perhaps you’re snacking on a banana, sipping some coffee, or sitting in front of your computer and taking a break from work to read this article. Most…
Employee empowerment will be one of several key components helping the company meet its growth goals, Rohr says. It's a strategy Rohr says worked well for him in his previous role as CEO of specialty chemical producer Albemarle Corp. (IW500/289). At Celanese, Rohr says he plans to have employees more...